Tag Archives | ice bucket challenge

Misty Gates: Ice Bucket Challenge Video

misty-gates-ice-bucket-challenge-video Misty Gates teamed up with a fan from her site named O’Bannion for her own fun take on the ice bucket challenge. Donning a sexy sling bikini — “slingerang” as she calls it — she lets the ice fall over her tight ass as she twerks the cubes into the bucket. Yes, really! She then leads O’Bannion to his frosty doom as she plans to dump the ice bucket from two-stories up! And then…and then…Well, I’ll let you see for yourself, because she posted the censored video on YouTube! Definitely one of my favorite Ice Bucket Challenge videos to date!

By the way, there’s also an UNCENSORED version on her site!

Posted On: September 3, 2014 with No Comments
Category: Misty Gates
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Kate Winn: Sexy Ice Bucket Challenge Video

Busty blonde Kate Winn accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! #IceBucketChallenge #WetTShirt #Nips

Kate posted this video for free on youtube, in hopes that you will donate to help find a cure for ALS!

Posted On: August 25, 2014 with No Comments
Category: Kate Winn
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