Meet Madden: Sexy Glasses Video

Madden does a sexy dance in her bra and panties while wearing glasses. I wish Lisa Loeb’s 1994 music video for her emo girl anthem Stay was more like this.

Lisa Loeb single-handedly (well, I guess my hand was involved, too) shaped the traits of my ideal woman during my teen years. This was long before our easy access to internet porn, but those dark-rimmed glasses still get me to this day.

Twelve years later, at 37 years old, Lisa Loeb actually did appear on TV in a thong for some reality show called #1 Single. A dream come true! She will always stay special in my spank bank. See what I did there? No, no, no? You only hear what you want to…

Posted On: May 11, 2016 with No Comments
Category: Meet Madden
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